Source : prettypeoplepictures

THE HOUSE IN WINDSOR is a documentary short uncovering the story of Henry Olsen: Colorado's most vicious serial killer.  During the 1960s, Olsen kidnapped, raped, and murdered 13 female college students with the help of four others.  Even though these crimes were horrific and gruesome, they have been all but forgotten.
Find out why you've never heard of The Windsor Five.  See what was discovered the day police raided the house and what still remains there to this day.
Directed by Jimmy Weber and produced by Annie Baker, THE HOUSE IN WINDSOR is a story that will never be forgotten again.

About the film

I love horror films so, of course, I love haunted houses during Halloween season.  My friend Josh and I were at a haunted house in Windsor that was supposedly the real thing.  We had a good time but didn't think much of it until a couple weeks later I heard it was shut down because it actually was formally a crime scene and the city didn't like the exploitation.  I did a little digging and found one of the craziest serial killer stories I've ever heard.
We don't make documentaries here at Pretty People Pictures, but this was too good to pass up: rape, murder, cults, suicide pacts, haunted houses, police cover ups!  Count us in!

Making the film

Making a documentary about something no one has ever heard of is pretty tricky, so we had to go right to the source.  Robert, the owner of the house was really cool.  He wanted his side of the story to be heard so he let us come to the house and do as many interviews as we wanted.  Luckily Carol was just finishing up her novel My Sister's Killer which covers the same topic.  She provided us with a lot of information we had never heard and even more freaky stories.
The hardest person to get on camera was Richard, a retired police detective.  Not only did he move out of the state, but the last thing he wanted to do was talk about the most gruesome case he ever investigated in a 30+ year career.  It took a lot of phone calls and a little begging, but once he realized we were serious, he agreed to meet with us and was a great guy.  A very special thanks goes to out to the Colorado State University Alumni Association for providing us with some much needed photos of the Windsor Five.

Watch it here

President Barack Obama -- Left in Stitches

President Barack Obama had to get 12 stitches in his lip after he got caught with an elbow during a game of basketball at Fort McNair earlier today.

Bet the guy who elbowed Barack is going to get audited hardcore next year.

see also 

The Unforgotten | Rachel corrie   

Private Lynch And Forgetting "Rachel Corrie"

Source : Naomi Klein

Jessica Lynch and Rachel Corrie could have passed for sisters. Two all-American blondes, two destinies forever changed in a Middle East war zone. Private Jessica Lynch, the soldier, was born in Palestine, West Virginia. Rachel Corrie, the activist, died in Israeli-occupied Palestine. 

Corrie was four years older than 19-year-old Lynch. Her body was crushed by an Israeli bulldozer in Gaza seven days before Lynch was taken into Iraqi custody on March 23. Before she went to Iraq, Lynch organized a pen-pal program with a local kindergarten. Before Corrie left for Gaza, she organized a pen-pal program between kids in her hometown of Olympia, Washington, and children in Rafah. 

Lynch went to Iraq as a soldier loyal to her government. Corrie went to Gaza to oppose the actions of her government. As a U.S. citizen, she believed she had a special responsibility to defend Palestinians against U.S.-built weapons, purchased with U.S. aid to Israel. In letters home, she described how fresh water was being diverted from Gaza to Israeli settlements, how death was more normal than life. "This is what we pay for here," she wrote. 

Unlike Lynch, Corrie did not go to Gaza to engage in combat: she went to try to thwart it. Along with her fellow members of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), she believed that the Israeli military's incursions could be slowed by the presence of highly visible "internationals." The killing of Palestinian civilians may have become commonplace, the thinking went, but Israel doesn't want the diplomatic or media scandals that would come if it killed a U.S. student.
In a way, Corrie was harnessing the very thing that she disliked most about her country—the belief that American lives are worth more than any others—and trying to use it to save a few Palestinian homes from demolition.

Believing her fluorescent orange jacket would serve as armor, Corrie stood in front of bulldozers, slept beside wells and escorted children to school. If suicide bombers turn their bodies into weapons of death, Corrie turned hers into the opposite—a weapon of life, a "human shield."
When that Israeli bulldozer driver looked at Corrie's orange jacket and pressed the accelerator, her strategy failed. It turns out that the lives of some U.S. citizens—even beautiful, young, white women—are valued more than others. And nothing demonstrates this more starkly than the opposing responses to Rachel Corrie and Pvt. Jessica Lynch.

When the Pentagon announced Lynch's successful rescue, she became a hero, complete with "America loves Jessica" fridge magnets, stickers, T-shirts, mugs, country songs and an NBC made-for-TV movie. According to White House spokesman Ari Fleischer, President George Bush was "full of joy for Jessica Lynch." Her rescue, we were told, was a testament to a core American value: as West Virginia Senator Jay Rockefeller said to the Senate: "We take care of our people."

Do they? Corrie's death, which made the papers for two days and then virtually disappeared, has met with almost total official silence, despite the fact that eyewitnesses claim it was a deliberate act. President Bush has said nothing about a U.S. citizen killed by a U.S.-made bulldozer bought with U.S. tax dollars. A U.S. congressional resolution demanding an independent inquiry has been buried in committee, leaving the Israeli military's investigation—which cleared itself of any wrongdoing—as the only official investigation.

The ISM says that this non-response has sent a clear, and dangerous, signal. According to Olivia Jackson, a 25-year-old British citizen in Rafah: "After Rachel was killed, [the Israeli military] waited for the response from the American government and the response was pathetic. They know they can get away with it, and it has encouraged them to keep on going."
First there was Brian Avery, a 24-year-old U.S. citizen shot in the face on April 5. Then Tom Hurndall, a British ISM activist shot in the head and left brain dead on April 11. Next was James Miller, the British cameraman shot dead while wearing a vest that said "TV." In all of these cases, eyewitnesses say the shooters were Israeli soldiers.

There is something else that Jessica Lynch and Rachel Corrie have in common: both of their stories have been distorted by the military for its own purposes. According to the official story, Lynch was captured in a bloody gun battle, mistreated by sadistic Iraqi doctors, then rescued in another storm of bullets by heroic Navy SEALs. In the past weeks, another version has emerged. The doctors who treated Lynch found no evidence of battle wounds, and donated their own blood to save her life. Most embarrassing of all, witnesses have told the BBC that those daring Navy SEALs already knew there were no Iraqi fighters left in the area when they stormed the hospital.

But while Lynch's story has been distorted to make its protagonists appear more heroic, Corrie's story has been posthumously twisted to make her, and her fellow ISM activists, appear sinister.

For months, the Israeli military had been looking for an excuse to get rid of the ISM "troublemakers." It found it in Asif Mohammed Hanif and Omar Khan Sharif, the two British suicide bombers. It turns out that they had attended a memorial service for Corrie in Rafah, a fact the Israeli military has seized on to link the ISM to terrorism. Members of ISM point out that the event was open to the public, and that they knew nothing of the British visitors' intentions.
In the past two weeks, half a dozen ISM activists have been arrested, several deported, and the organization's offices raided. The crackdown is spreading to all "internationals," meaning there are fewer people in the occupied territories to either witness the abuses or assist the victims. On Monday, the U.N. special coordinator for the Middle East peace process told the Security Council that dozens of U.N. aid workers had been prevented from getting in and out of Gaza, calling it a violation of "Israel's international humanitarian law obligations." 

On June 5 there will be an international day of action for Palestinian rights. One of the demands is for the U.N. to send a monitoring force into the occupied territories. Until that happens, many are determined to continue Corrie's work. More than 40 students at her former college, Evergreen State, in Olympia, Washington, have signed up to go to Gaza with the ISM this summer.

So who is a hero? During the attack on Iraq, some of Corrie's friends e-mailed her picture to MSNBC asking that it be included on the station's "wall of heroes," along with Jessica Lynch. The network didn't comply, but Corrie is being honored in other ways. Her family has received more than 10,000 letters of support, communities across the country have organized memorial services, and children from the occupied territories are being named Rachel. It's not a made-for-TV kind of tribute, but maybe that's for the best.

Should Watch this 

We Are Human

THE SHADOWS | Freemason

Audio Documentary | 1995

YouTube Blog: 1 billion subscriptions and counting


Early on (we're talking '06 here, people!), the yellow subscribe button made its debut so the latest videos from your favorite channels could make a beeline to your YouTube homepage/eager eyes. Today, the button that’s been immortalized as a throw cushion hits an important landmark: it’s been clicked over one billion times. And who was the lucky channel to get that billionth hit? It was MachinimaSports, who are, not coincidentally, on our homepage on Friday.

In fact, there is so much subscription activity that over a billion subscription updates are sent to our users' homepages every week, and 15 YouTube channels have crossed the one million subscriber mark: fred, nigahiga, kassemg, shanedawsonTV, shanedawsonTV2, smosh, universalmusicgroup, machinima, sxephil, mysteryguitarman, davedays, kevjumba, realannoyingorange, raywilliamjohnson, collegehumor and failblog.

So what’s next for subscriptions? Turns out, we’ve got a spankin’ new widget that any video-maker can embed on his/her website or blog. It lets people subscribe to your YouTube channel with a single click, without having to leave your site to log into YouTube or to confirm their subscription. The entire process happens in the widget.

Give it a try! All you need to do is embed the code below into the source code of your website or blog, in the same way you embed a YouTube video:

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For example, here it is for the youtube channel , just click on the subscriber button!

And if all this is new to you, let us suggest you check out this video, in which dear Cuddles tells you all you need to know about subscriptions:

What We Still Don’t Know?

The Universe is still a place of mystery and wonder. As a cosmologist, I am exhilarated that we can make some progress towards tackling what seem very fundamental questions.
These programs focus on: Was there a beginning? Whether we are alone? What’s the future of the cosmos?
What is the nature of reality? With each advance, new questions come into sharper focus. The key issue is what we still don’t know.

                                                 Are We Alone?

Sir Martin explores the possibility that life exists on planets beyond our own. He unveils an unsettling scientific debate that has startling consequences for us Earthlings. Do you believe in aliens? If not, a quick glance through these pages might change your mind!

Why Are We Here?
Everything you thought you knew about the universe is wrong. It’s made of atoms, right? Wrong. Atoms only account for a measly 15% of everything that exists. The mass of the universe consists of something so mysterious and elusive that it has been dubbed ‘dark matter’.

Are We Real?
There is a fundamental chasm in our understanding of ourselves, the universe, and everything. To solve this, Sir Martin takes us on a mind-boggling journey through multiple universes to post-biological life. On the way we learn of the disturbing possibility that we could be the product of someone else’s experiment.
Should Watch this!

How Muslims Rescued Jews During the Holocaust

During the Nazi occupation of Paris, no Jew was safe from arrest and deportation to a concentration camp. Few Parisians were willing to risk their own lives to help. Yet many Jews found refuge in an unlikely place the sprawling complex of the Grand Mosque of Paris. Not just a place of worship but also a community center, this hive of activity was an ideal temporary hiding place for escaped prisoners of war and Jews of all ages, including children.

Islamic and Jewish traditions: “Save one life, and it is as if you’ve saved all of humanity.” Today’s problems between these two Abrahamic religions are obvious, but there are moments of brotherhood. During the Nazi occupation of France, Jews were being rounded up and sent to concentration camps. One avenue of refuge was the Grand Mosque in Paris, where Jewish adults and children hid, some briefly until they could be spirited away, others for longer stays. Thanks to the mosque’s rector, and particularly Berbers from Algeria, many lives were saved. This is a fascinating, little-known piece of history (the afterword explains how difficult it was to research). The authors sometimes try too hard to explain too much to a middle-grade audience, but they effectively capture the desperation felt by the victims and the enormous effort made by the resistance. The evocative paintings in somber colors heighten the tension, but some, like the one of a Jewish girl in front of an intricately designed mosque wall, capture the hope. Grades 3-6. --Ilene Cooper*

Best short documentary and emotionaly soothing material ever.

WARNING : Viewers for minors - RATED18+

Who Killed Kennedy - The CoverUP

                                  Who Killed Kennedy And Why? - Coverups

Public interest in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy has never died down. People around the world want to know who killed the president and why and how he died. They also want to know what the killer's hidden motives might have been, and whether he had acted alone. Their insistent questions led to the formation of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, a congressional group.
In 1978, the House Select Committee came to a conclusion that many un-official investigators had already reached: that the president's slaying was the result of a conspiracy. As we have already seen, a conspiracy means that two or more persons were involved in a criminal act.
Until that time, the Warren Commissioned Report, originally released in September 1964, was the only official one. The report stated that a solitary gunman named Lee Harvey Oswald was responsible. Working alone, he shot and killed the president. Oswald was soon captured and held by the Dallas, Texas, police for two days. Then Oswald himself was slain as he was being transferred from one jail to another. Oswald's slayer was Jack Ruby.
The Warren Commission decided that Ruby acted for twisted emotional reasons and that he, too, acted alone. There was no conspiracy involved in either case. So said the Warren Commission.
The House Select Committee's declaration of conspiracy inspired a rash of books and at least two movies, as well as several TV programs. New ones keep popping up, well into the 1990's. Each book and movie has asserted that its analysis is the only foolproof one. As yet, however, none of these has been accepted as offering all the right answers.
Let's look at some of these accumulated ideas and theories, and perhaps come to some conclusions of our own. Bear in mind that some of these assertions and accusations sound highly believable. But remember, too, that no charges have been filed against anyone, and no arrests have been made. Will there be any in the future, you ask? Perhaps so; perhaps not.
The JFK assassination data can be divided into three groups:

1. The Method, or Means: How was the president killed?
2. The Motives: Why was he killed?
3. The Men Involved: Who killed him?

The president was riding in his open limousine, his back to the Texas School Book Depository, where, on the sixth floor, Oswald was said to have been perched. His rifle, propped up by book cartons, was aimed directly at the back of the president's head.

Ahead and to the right of the president's motorcade was the grassy knoll. There many spectators stood, ready to cheer the president as he passed by. Among them, another gunman may have been waiting for HIS chance to fire.

Oswald was accused of firing several shots from his position in the Texas School Book Depository. Two of these struck the president in the back of the head. But a third shot is said to have entered the president's throat, just above his Adam's apple, and emerged through the back of his neck.

Did this third shot actually go from the front of his neck to the back? Doctor's at Parkland Hospital in Dallas, where the dying president was taken, and doctors at the Bethesda Naval Hospital, where the dead president was AGAIN examined, disagree. The Parkland groups say there was an entry wound in his throat. The Bethesda group, on the other hand, says there was an EXIT wound in his throat.

Many spectators standing on the grassy knoll at the time of the slaying reported hearing at least one rifle shot fired from nearby. They also reported seeing as many as four men hurrying away from the back of the knoll as soon as the shots were fired. The Warren investigators quizzed several of these witnesses but came to no conclusion.

Oswald may have indeed fired the shots that killed the president, but there is no clear-cut evidence that he ALONE did so. Nor was he even definitely linked with the sixth-floor window from where the shots were fired. Only minutes after the shooting, he was drinking a Coca-Cola. Could he have left the firing site and composed himself so quickly? Here's another factor to consider: firing a cheap rifle, as Oswald did, should have left a powder burn on his cheek. After Oswald was arrested, his cheek was examined: no such powder burn was found!

After Oswald's death, his palm print was found on his rifle butt, indicating that it was he who did the shooting. Some investigators charge, however, that a palm print could have been transferred from his hand to the rifle butt after Oswald's. This could have been one of many illegal efforts to tie Oswald to the crime.


Why was President Kennedy assassinated? Many reasonable speculations have been offered. None, however, has been positively proven.

One set of theories says that it was the president's plans for Vietnam that prompted his murder. By 1963 (the assassination year), the United States was becoming more and more involved in the Vietnam war. The U.S. had already sent supplies, arms, and several thousand "advisers" and "instructors."

But the president wanted to go no further in aiding South Vietnam. He was ready to stop sending aid, even though South Vietnam claimed to have a democratic government and an army eager to wage war against North Vietnam. The president said that Vietnam was too far away from the United States, that South Vietnam's claim to democracy was false, and that the U.S. had no business sending American troops to fight in what was really a local war.

So, the theory goes, the president was killed by those who wanted the United States to become actively involved in the Vietnam war. Another theory holds that Kennedy was killed because he failed to help the Cuban exiles in their 1961 attempt to invade Cuba and overthrow the Communist government of Fidel Castro. And still another theory claims that, because he did not destroy Cuba in the Cuban missile crisis of 1962, he angered anti-Castro factions and so was slain.

Another theory involves the president's relationship with his brother when Robert Kennedy was attorney general. Robert was a relentless foe of organized crime. The only way to stop the attorney general was to kill the president. That's what some investigators think. They accuse the Mafia Leaders and Jimmy Hoffa, the Teamster Union chief. Mind you, we are talking theory. No real proof exists.


The movie "JFK" was first shown in December, 1991, and will probably continue to be shown in theaters, on TV, and on videocassettes for years to come. "JFK" 's screen credits acknowledge the help of two books: Jim Garrison's "On the Trail of the Assassins" and Jim Marr's "Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy."

The Garrison book is the partial autobiography of this former New Orleans district attorney. It is mainly about his struggle to convict a man named Clay Shaw for involvement in the Kennedy slaying. The book also tells of Shaw's friendship with Oswald during the summer of '63 in New Orleans, AKA the Big Easy. Garrison argues that Shaw's connection with Oswald makes him part of the Kennedy slaying. Garrison's book ends with the not-guilty verdict that freed Clay Shaw. "On the Trail of the Assassins" is a true-to-life story, perhaps over-dramatized a bit when Garrison puts made-up words in his character's mouths. Marr's book is factual, without a story line as in the Garrison book. It gathers up the accounts of many investigators, but comes to no final conclusions.

The movie "JFK" is something else again. It follows the story line of the Garrison book---up to a point, that is. The stunning conclusion abandons the cautious approach of the Garrison and Marrs books. Instead, it puts a direct, sweeping accusation in the mouth of a fictitious character known only as "X."

X proclaims that the conspiracy to kill JFK extends right up the highest levels of the U.S. government---to the Pentagon, to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to the FBI and the CIA, and to the White House itself.

The movie's director, producer, and writer are all one man: Oliver Stone. He is responsible for all these statements, and more. He goes on to tie in the military with American industry in a military/industrial alliance.

It should be noted that Stone does not name names, He only says that certain high-ranking men in these organizations were responsible for the death of the president. They wanted JFK killed because he was a threat to their plans.

Stone further claims that American Industry wanted the Vietnam war to continue for reasons of greed: the more war, the higher industrial profits.

X's charge of conspiracy reaches up into the White House. Although X does not directly accuse by name the president who followed JFK into office, there can be no doubt that he meant President Lyndon B. Johnson, in office from 1963 to 1969. Johnson was Kennedy's vice president. Before that, he was the U.S. Senate's Majority Leader. He ran the Senate with an iron hand.

Kennedy had chosen Johnson as his running mate because Johnson could produce a winning number of votes. Johnson expected to take an active role in the Kennedy government. After entering office in 1961, however, he was largely ignored. His duties were mostly confined to cutting the ribbon when a new bridge or park was dedicated.

And Johnson was losing many of his once-loyal Texas followers. He sat silent, biding his time. That time came, his accusers say, when the president rode in the open limousine down a Dallas street, Johnson, his enemies claim, engineered the whole assassination program.

These are extremely serious charges, but they cannot be proven. Investigators have not been able to definitively link LBJ to the killing of JFK. There is no question that Johnson was an ambitious, powerful politician. Author Craig Zirbel, in his book "The Texas Connection," attempts to prove Johnson's guilt by eliminating all other suspects. Eventually, only Johnson is left. Therefore, he must be guilty, according to Zirbel.

As for Jack Ruby, Oswald's killer, new facts have come to life. Over the years it has been shown that he was a close associate of many criminals. They would have liked to see the president and his brother killed so that their illegal and unlawful activities could expand. But Ruby died, as we know, before he could tell his story.

Illuminati symbolism - Michael Jackson’s "New Album Cover"

Source :

Since Michael Jackson’s untimely death, we have observed some rather insidious “tributes” to him, which, once decoded, were in fact thinly veiled references to his ritual sacrifice. His memory has indeed been hijacked by those who, in my humble opinion, killed him. This fact becomes obvious when looking at his posthumous releases. His latest album cover is another striking proof.

Sony Music (a company MJ spoke against – see this Vigilant Citizen article) is releasing a new album entitled Michael, which is said to contain some unreleased material. Here is the album cover:
The cover depicts Michael at several stages of his career. There are also some interesting yet disturbing symbols.

The Monarch Butterfly
Probably the most obvious and disturbing symbol is the Monarch Butterfly on his left shoulder, which represents in pop occult symbolism, Monarch programming, a form of trauma-based mind control. Many details about Michael Jackson’s life remain obscure. He is however a prime example of a young star being recruited by the Industry and most probably submitted to Monarch programming. In his last years however, MJ broke out from his control and even started to speak out against the evils of the industry. This breakout might explain his “mysterious” death.

The Moonwalker Robot

Looming ominously at the top right side of the album cover is a MJ android with glowing red eyes. This is taken from Moonwalker, a movie produced during the height of Jackson controlled state, in which he turns, quite symbolically, into robot.

Regular readers might notice the similarity between this transformation and the one of Maria from Metropolis and many other pop stars under Illuminati control. In the context of the album cover, the presence of the android might be a references to his alter, programmed persona, in contrast with the “old MJ”, depicted at the opposite side of the album cover.

Black and White/ Day and Night Duality

Michael is crowned by a Black and a White angel, alluding to the ritualistic nature of his crowning, an occult union of opposing forces.  The same concept is exploited in Kanye West’s Runaway, where a big (and rather horrid) head of MJ is surrounded by black and white angels with gruesome faces.
    Scene from Kanye West’s Runaway. MJ’s head with a Black and a White angel, alluding to ritual sacrifice.

In a case of strange synchronicity, here’s Kanye’s cover art for “Power”:
    As we have seen in the article Kanye West’s “Power”: The Occult Meaning of its Symbols, this image probably refers to the “King Kill 33″ Masonic ritual.

Was MJ’s ritual sacrificed planned? You might want to take a look at this album cover.
   Michael Jackson wearing red (occultly refering to sacrifice) on a Masonic checkerboard pattern. The title “Blood on the Dancefloor” refers to MJ’s blood on the Masonic floor, the era on which rituals occur.

Kany West's "Power" - Analysis

SOURCE : Blog@farhanKhan

The release of Kanye West’s music video for “Power” has sparked an explosion of interest over the last few months regarding the visual imagery and symbology contained within it. The 90 second video has been the subject to close analysis by fans and non-fans interested in revealing the hidden message behind the video.

This article is my personal interpretation of the music video. I am not claiming it is entirely factual, I am only sharing my opinion from my own perspective.

One thing we can all agree on is the way that Kanye is presented in the video, he is shown as being in a powerful, ruling position like a king. I believe Kanye is trying to be seen as King Tutankhamun, an Egyptian pharaoh of the 18th dynasty. There is good reason to believe this, but it will be explained further on.

The Pillars

There are two parallel rows of pillars on either side of Kanye. These pillars are very similar to the Masonic pillars. Anyone with basic knowledge on Freemasonry may already know the importance of the twin pillars Jachim and Boaz as they are very often seen in Masonic artwork. The occult meaning of the twin Masonic pillars is deep-rooted and stretches back a very long time. This is why they are present in a lot of Masonic symbolism. However, there are many interpretations of the two columns, especially in religion where they have their own meanings.

he pillars shown in the video do not represent the Masonic pillars, but instead ordinary pillars from Greek architecture – otherwise we’d just see two pillars at the front. As we can see in the video, there appears to be a countless number of rows of these pillars connected to a frontal structure. Below is the original concept of the music video:

To my knowledge, Masonic pillars are always located at the front, like an entranceway and not behind other architecture.

These pillars are known as Ionic pillars, or columns. Public institutions chose to reproduce Ionic columns if they wanted to convey an image of being very learned and civilized, therefore it is more common to find them on places such as museums and libraries. Kanye is standing at the entrance of a sanctuary, presumably his own.

Some people believe certain elements in the video were purposely composed to form the Masonic Square and Compass symbol as shown here:

When there is already a lot of symmetry, you’re very likely to find a way to incorporate certain symbols or other images into it. Visually, the entire video pays homage to Michelangelo’s ceiling painting in the Sistine Chapel, which explains why it shares the same symmetry throughout the video. To add to that, the Masonic Compass isn’t perfectly formed either, therefore I believe it is unintentional and insignificant.

Horus Chain

As the camera zooms out, the next thing we are immediately drawn to is the gigantic chain he is wearing, which is the head of Horus. Horus is one of the oldest and most significant deities in the ancient Egyptian religion, who was worshipped from at least the late Predynastic period through to Greco-Roman times. Horus served many functions in the Egyptian pantheon, most notably being the god of the Sky, god of War and god of Protection. The ancient Egyptian deity, Horus, is often represented by a symbol of the eye. Those of us who are well-informed on the Illuminati may already know the significance of Horus to them. The All-Seeing Eye, also known as the Eye of Providence, found on the Great Seal of the United States and many other occult symbols in fact originates from the Eye of Horus.

So why is Kanye wearing a chain with Horus’ head? Well for one, Kanye is showing himself to be a pharaoh. The kings of Egypt associated themselves with Horus, particularly because the pharaoh was supposed to be his earthly embodiment. Kings would eventually take the name of Horus as one of their own.

One can say, “Kanye is wearing a Horus chain because of his interest in ancient Egyptian history”. This is partially true because Kanye has stated his interest in the past.

However, Kanye is also wearing a ring with two large pyramids on his fingers. I believe this video is a metaphorical representation of his life. It is showing how by letting him become an influential figure in the music industry, he has been given power by the higher-ups (who worship Horus) as represented by the Horus chain. Was he chosen to become one of them? Maybe the lyrics will help you decide, “In this white man’s world, we the ones chosen”.

Becoming a mainstream artist is impossible, if not, very difficult unless the higher-ups within the industry allow you to, but even then you have to do some strange things to get the fame and fortune you want. If you don’t know much about the music industry and its link to the Illuminati, I suggest you watch my series, “The Music Industry Exposed“

Kanye’s Watch

Why is Kanye wearing a watch when the whole video is based around ancient times, when clearly it would not have been invented? It’s very odd and is something that sticks out in the video. Music videos are controlled in a strict environment, so this was no mistake. How did the camera operators and people on the set not spot his watch? If his clothes are different and he is wearing a chain, how can he possibly forget to take his watch off? The answer is, he didn’t. This was intentional. He is wearing the watch because it is the only object telling us that this video is an ancient representation of his modern life today.

Aquarius Water Bearers

In the video, we see two women suspended in mid-air, hanging upside down pouring water on themselves. They appear to be symbolising the Age of Aquarius which we will soon be moving into in 2012. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, artist/director Marco Brambilla said, “I think it shows the end of an era and maybe the end of an era of celebrity”. Currently, we are in the Age of Pisces, so perhaps Marco is implying that “The end of an era” refers to the end of the Age of Pisces?

Aquarius is sometimes identified with Ganymede, a beautiful youth in Greek mythology with whom Zeus fell in love and, in the disguise of an eagle (represented by the constellation Aquila) carried off to Olympus to be cup-bearer to the gods. Aquarius has also been identified as the pourer of the waters that flooded the Earth in the ancient Greek version of the Great Flood myth. As such, the constellation Eridanus the river is sometimes identified as a river being poured by Aquarius. – Wikipedia

Horned Guards

As the camera zooms out, two horned women are revealed each holding a staff, periodically banging it on the ground. I am not fully certain as to why they have horns, but to me it simply symbolises a sign of power and leadership for Kanye as they appear to be guarding over him and his wealth and fame. Some believe the guards represent Isis and Hathor. I personally don’t agree with this because to me it doesn’t make full sense, nor does it fit in with the rest of the symbolism. If they are meant to represent Isis and Hathor, then why do the women holding cups with grapes also have the same horns? To me, the horned women represent evil guards. Thinking about it, who is it that protects and guards the fame of celebrities?


As mentioned earlier, I have a good reason to believe Kanye wants to be seen as King Tutankhamun, an Egyptian pharaoh of the 18th dynasty. Below Kanye sits a woman on a chair. The chair is actually a replica of King Tut’s throne, which was one of the special artefacts found in his tomb discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter. King Tut’s throne was made of wood, covered in gold leaf. In the video there is a type of angel sitting on the throne, which is a cherub.

In an exclusive interview with Marco Brambilla by website Co.Design, some of the behind the scenes work is explained including a little on the technology side of things. In the interview, he mentions that, “Each character was layered in digitally, replacing the cherubs and angels of the original”.

The entry for ‘Cherubs’ on Wikipedia states:

Cherubs are said to have four wings. Two of the wings extended upward, meeting above and sustaining the throne of God; while the other two stretched downward and covered the creatures themselves.

Early Semitic tradition conceived the cherubim as guardians, being devoid of human feelings, and holding a duty both to represent the gods and to guard sanctuaries from intruders. – Wikipedia

The cherub sitting below Kanye and the horned guards are protecting him and his sanctuary.

So why do I have a good reason to believe Kanye is trying to show himself as King Tut?

“King Tutankhamun was one of the few kings worshipped as a god and honoured with a cult-like following in his own lifetime”. – Wikipedia

We all know how much influence celebrities have over their fans, and we all know Kanye has a huge fanbase and following not only because of his music, but also fashion amongst other things. Kanye, on Twitter, retweeted a tweet by TheRealNeeb which reads, “What would King Tut say….“. Kanye also visited the golden coffin of King Tut’s great-grandmother Tjuya at the “Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs” exhibition at the Discovery Times Square Exposition in New York City.

Sword of Damocles

The sword above Kanye is a reference to the Sword of Damocles. The Sword of Damocles, from Greek legend, illustrates the ever-present dangers of being in a position of power. The story of Damocles is relatively short so many people are familiar with it.

The Damocles of the anecdote was an obsequious courtier in the court of Dionysius II of Syracuse, a fourth century BC tyrant of Syracuse. Damocles exclaimed that, as a great man of power and authority, Dionysius was truly fortunate. Dionysius offered to switch places with him for a day, so he could taste first hand that fortune. In the evening a banquet was held where Damocles very much enjoyed being waited upon like a king. Only at the end of the meal did he look up and notice a sharpened sword hanging directly above his head by a single horse-hair. Immediately, he lost all taste for the fine foods and beautiful girls and asked leave of the tyrant, saying he no longer wanted to be so fortunate.

Dionysius had successfully conveyed a sense of the constant fear in which the great man lives. Cicero uses this story as the last in a series of contrasting examples for reaching the conclusion he had been moving towards in this fifth Disputation, in which the theme is that virtue is sufficient for living a happy life.

Cicero asks, “Does not Dionysius seem to have made it sufficiently clear that there can be nothing happy for the person over whom some fear always looms?” – Wikipedia

The story of the sword is a perfect example showing the constant danger faced by those in positions of power. We see Kanye standing there, then quickly after we see an assassin hanging upside down behind him ready to stab him with a dagger. He does not get assassinated with the dagger, but instead we see two other assassins brandishing swords, leaping from the sides in attempt to behead him. The video cuts off before their act is shown.

It seems the message he is trying to convey is very similar to that of Damocles’. Kanye is a wealthy, well-respected figure who has much power and fame and can have anything he desires, but he has realised that he can’t enjoy life because there’s always a constant threat of danger, which in his case is oppression, loss of freedom from the higher-ups or even death.

The Wall Street Journal spoke with artist/director Marco Brambilla about his historical inspirations, working with Kanye and what the video really means. I have highlighted the parts of the interview which are most interesting.

The Wall Street Journal: There are a lot of allusions and historical references in the “Power” video that you directed. Where did you draw your inspiration and what does it all mean?

Marco Brambilla: I think the visual inspiration for me was definitely the frescoes in the Sistine Chapel; they are kind of bombastic and iconic. Then the tonal reference was really “How do you visualize a symbol of power that’s almost timeless?” This video is almost like a portrait, a video portrait of Kanye as this symbol of power. The video is actually one continuous shot – it comes out from a close up of Kanye and gradually reveals this decadence and sexuality around him. Once we come to the wide shot, we challenge that position of power.

The narrative within it is a moment of transition. It’s almost like the precarious nature of power, the epic portrait of power. In one sense it’s both the rise and fall of a celebrity in a way and that’s one of the things that interested me about working with Kanye. I wanted to use some of his baggage in terms of the year he’s had coming into this and releasing his first single in a long time. I wanted to use the kind of public perception of him and have fun with that and the concept of him being a celebrity and what he’s gone through recently.

The Wall Street Journal: This video is short but powerful. What do you predict the interpretation of the public will be? How do you think it will be seen?

Marco Brambilla: I think it shows the end of an era and maybe the end of an era of celebrity. Maybe end of era for figure of power, maybe it’s a moment of transition for society in general. It has all these kind of ambiguous messages, but it’s something that you can visually experience. It has so much imagery within it hopefully people will react to it on a purely visceral level. But also what I would hope is that they see the kind of subversive qualities of it where it poses these questions about power, celebrity, sexuality decadence that kind of thing.

Here is another interesting article regarding the video, posted on The New York Times website:

In a telephone interview, Mr. Brambilla explained that he was drawn to the project because, he said, “It’s kind of apocalyptic, in a very personal way.”

Speaking of Mr. West’s track “Power,” which includes refrains like “No one man should have all that power” and “This would be a beautiful death,” Mr. Brambilla said: “It had this very dark, personal conflict within it. Because of his own concept of celebrity and his own notoriety, he’s keenly self-aware of all these things. And it all came out in the music.”

Mr. Brambilla said the project — which he preferred to describe as a “Video work that’s been commissioned by Kanye to accompany the music” rather than a music video — was his and Mr. West’s attempt to answer the question, “How do you visually paint a portrait of power?”

“It’s a moment of transition for him,” Mr. Brambilla said. “It’s like the end of an empire. It’s him becoming mortal again.”

The video is planned to be posted on Mr. West’s Web site sometime next week, Mr. Brambilla said, and will be provided to MTV and other music channels (though its content will probably make it difficult for some of the channels to show it).

Mr. Brambilla said he hoped viewers of his “Power” video would see the humor in it.

“It’s a very exaggerated, hyper-sensational version of what the song is saying,” he said.

“But at the same time,” he added, “it has this fallibility to it. Because built into the story is that there is an ultimate fallibility, in bringing someone back down to earth at the end of the piece. That kind of contradiction, hopefully, will create the tension within it.”

COOLHUNTING also interviewed Marco Brambilla, and it was quite interesting what he had to say in response:

COOLHUNTING: Is it strange that a celebrity would depict their fall from power?

Marco Brambilla: I think he’s a true artist—he doesn’t react to what people think of him. He’s aware, but he’s not the type of person who’s going to react to things in a way that is better for marketing. He wants to push the limits. I think using part of his public image as part of the way of illustrating his new album will resonate.

From the interview above, it is very clear that Kanye is depicting his own fall from power. The real message of this video is telling us that measures are already being taken by the higher-ups to slowly reduce his popularity and keep him out of the spotlight. The whole process is very gradual and goes on almost unnoticed, but at the same time it’s the very same people who are keeping artists such as Katy Perry and Lady Gaga on our airwaves.

But what did Kanye do to annoy the higher-ups? Is he going through the same phase as Eminem? It seems Kanye has angered his higher-ups by going against their word. Here is just one example. In the song named “Jesus Walks” by Kanye, he says:

God show me the way because the Devil trying to break me down
The only thing that that I pray is that my feet don’t fail me now
And I don’t think there is nothing I can do now to right my wrongs
I want to talk to God but I’m afraid because we ain’t spoke in so long


They say you can rap about anything except for Jesus
That means guns, sex, lies, video tapes
But if I talk about God my record won’t get played, Huh?

Who are they? And why won’t his record get played if he raps about Jesusas or God? It is also interesting to note that Eminem, in one of his songs named, “Talkin’ 2 Myself” from the Recovery album, tells Kanye and a few other artists to keep their head up:

My life is no longer a movie, but the show ain’t over homos
I’m back with a vengeance homie, Weezy keep ya’ head up
T.I. keep ya’ head up, Kanye keep ya’ head up
Don’t let up, just keep slaying ‘em
Rest in peace to DJ AM, cause I know what it’s like
I struggle with this shit every single day and um…

Eminem mentions artists who are also going through a bad time, and tells them not to give up and keep slaying ‘them’. He then goes onto say, “Cause I know what it’s like, I struggle with this shit every single day”. It is clear Eminem is telling them to keep fighting back.

Album Artwork

The cover art for the “Power” single displays a crown-wearing head, presumably Kanye’s, which rests bloodied with a sword pierced through the side. Could it be inferring that he was successfully assassinated? As you can see in the artwork, the head is resting on a plain, flat surface with nothing else of significance surrounding it. The cloudy sky background could be implying the severed head is on top of a high pillar of some sort. To me, this artwork is symbolic in foretelling how Kanye’s loss of power and fame is a result of rebelling against the higher-ups.

So, to summarise the video I believe it is safe to say Kanye is presented as a powerful king, much like King Tut, living a luxurious life shown by the various women around him in their different roles. From personal guards, a guardian angel and women idling around him eating grapes, the video initially gives us the impression of power and fame equalling an easy, care-free life. As the video progresses on and the camera zooms out, we can quite literally see the full picture. The other side of power and its drawbacks are revealed, such as the ever constant perils, represented by the assassins and the Sword of Damocles. This video is visually representing what Kanye is currently going through in his life and is foretelling parts of it yet to come. After the camera zooms onto certain characters in the video, it once again fully zooms back out showing all the women and luxuries have disappeared, only to be left with the assassins. This clearly shows Kanye’s vulnerability having had everything taken away from him, thus making him powerless. The video as a whole essentially tells us that being powerful and wealthy brings danger along with it and the risk of losing it all makes someone vulnerable and mortal like everyone else.

I highly recommend listening to Kanye West’s “Power” remix featuring Jay-Z and Swizz Beatz. It has a very positive message, which goes directly against the orders of the higher-ups and puts Kanye in more trouble, since he is such a highly influential figure in the entertainment industry.

Michael Jackson Murder

Michael jackson confirmed murdered.

Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, died on June 25, 2009. The Los Angeles County Coroner declared Michael's death a homicide caused by drugs that had been administered to him. Dr. Conrad Murray was charged with his death. And if the Illuminati had their way, that would be the end of the story. But the truth is much more sinister. Conrad Murray is simply a scapegoat of ... the Illuminati.

The story they don't want you to hear involves Michael's lifelong affiliation with the Illuminati, an affiliation that ended in his untimely death. Since his days in the Jackson Five, Michael was taught the secrets of the Illuminati. This is part of the Illuminati's longstanding plan to recruit popular performers. The Illuminati use these performers to insert subliminal mind control messages in their songs. After achieving the rank of King of Pop, Michael began to realize the danger the Illuminati presented to mankind and approached the CIA offering to spill the secrets in exchange for protection.

Michael knew he could not speak out directly against the Illuminati.

His only course of action was to hide hidden messages in his album artwork as a means to pass information to the public and his CIA handler. He did so at great risk to himself, and he paid the ultimate price when the Illuminati were tipped off by some of the song titles on the Dangerous album. "Remember the Time" was written as an ode to Michael's pre-Illuminati days. "Keep the Faith" was a coded message to like minded Illuminati defectors to keep the faith. Michael sensed his days were numbered.

Fearing the Illuminati could shut him down at any moment, Michael included "Will You Be There" in the Free Willy soundtrack as a signal to his CIA handler that he needed immediate extraction and requesting confirmation that the CIA would be at the predetermined meeting place to take him into protective custody. Unfortunately, "Will You Be There" became known to almost everyone as "The Free Willy Song." The tragic result was the CIA failed to catch the message. When Michael showed up at the meet, his cover was blown. The Illuminati initially attempted to discredit him through child molestation charges. When that failed, killed him.

With Michael out of the way, the Illuminati plan continues today through Kanye West, Jay-Z, Rihanna, Ice Cube, Lady Ga-Ga, Britney Spears, and possibly Mission Man. It is imperative that all fans of Michael Jackson share this page to ensure that this hero did not die in vain.